Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Is Online Forex Trading (Valas Online) is gambling?

Can be yes or may not. Gambling or not is depending on the style of each trader. If you make a trade based on "feeling" or the chance and the original guess. Gamble, you certainly can, but if you do trade on the forex strategy and thorough analysis, both Technical Analysis (Technical Analysis) or Fundamental Analysis (Fundamental Analysis) then you are not a gambler but a trader.


  1. senggol done..widget buku tamunya buat dunk

  2. ga tahu gimana caranya buat buku tamu mas,,maklum masih newbie banget neh,,hiks

  3. ah kamu engk mungkin newbie...btw..langsung sikat GAnya...berapa senggolan bisa kamu kasih di kebo ku

  4. smile.. smile for you.. smile back.. pls..

  5. kunjungan sore, lam kenal bos. visit me at

  6. Udah di senggol ni GA nya,.. ^_^

  7. kunjungan sore, kunjung balik yah..
    jangan lupa..

  8. Walking around on the afternoon just to say Hi and visit you. Have a nice weekdays my friend.

  9. tendangan mautttttttttttttttttttttt,

  10. sudah aku injek GA-mu, aku gak berharap kamu injek KB-ku sih. hanya memintamu melakukannya, hwehehehe. kalo mau serius di dunia per-blogger-an, bikin buku tamu. baca aja disini

  11. terimakasih undangannya sob jangan lupa cek erning

  12. I agree with you, it all depends on the style of the trader. Does he just guess or make analysis...

  13. Dropping by here and give you real smile...

  14. mantabbbb pegetahuannya sob, nice post!!!!

  15. 1 x thursday smile for realityforex

  16. smile.. smile for you.. smile back..

  17. Forex Secret Trading Advice To Make Your Investing Easier

    Getting into forex trading is usually quite a challenge in the beginning, but with the right forex secret trading advice, you will be able to get the profits that you want in no time. The foreign exchange market is a relatively volatile one so you always have to be ready with what it has to offer before making a trade. This means getting the right information and signals so that you can analyze this information and make better decision. Here are some great pieces of forex secret trading advice from seasoned forex traders that may just help you once you decide to get into foreign exchange market trading:

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    3. Be Prudent
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    4. Simplicity Is Best
    As you learn more about foreign exchange trading, you may want to keep your strategy simple first as you begin to learn the nuances in forex trade. Keep it simple while you learn the terms and the different information that you receive to boost your trading actions. It is best to take it slow, make conservative investment, and learn the trade as fully as you can with this forex secret trading advice before jumping into it fully.
